VIHS believes that the students are its valuable customers and are cream of the student community and hence they deserve the best. The infrastructure support it provides to the students is just expression of the belief.
Design Studio: Where the students study the basics of modeling, geometric design and drawings
Civil Studio : A place where the students are exposed to the different types of building materials, their utilization etc.
Auto CAD Studio : Where the students learn how to draw using computed aided design software.
Food Production Lab
The college has a modern training kitchen where the future chefs are trained in the intricacies of cooking. They are exposed to the latest trends and methodology practiced by the hotel industry the world over. Students are also encouraged to come up with new ideas and given every possible opportunity to showcase their skills and talents in various food festivals organised by the college.
Mock bar & Training Restaurant
Food and Beverage Service is one of the most important operations in a hotel. The college has a well equipped training lab to facilitate training of the students in the art of service of food and beverages. Our students also organise intercollegiate cocktail and mocktail making competitions. Bar training and flairing skills help the students to become better bar personnel.
House Keeping Lab
A model guest room setup is provided to the students to learn the standard procedures of accommodation operations. The students learn the art of upkeep of rooms and common areas, linen etc. One of the department which helps you to achieve fast track promotions and growth in the industry. It also helps to enhance the creative skills of the students.
Front Office Lab
A well equipped front desk with equipments. Students are trained to welcome and make a guest feel at home in the hotel. A lot of emphasis is placed on soft skills like communication, telephone etiquettes etc. Students are taught how to handle various equipments, softwares & live situations faced by the front office personnels at any five star hotels.
Computer Lab
The college has ultra a well – appointed computer lab with all latest equipments & devices. Besides the normal computer literacy lectures other related soft wares, which are useful for the students in the day- to- day usage in hotel & other circumstances, are also facilitated.
The college library is enriched with a collection of titles and subscription to international and national journals. The library is the centre where the student’s quest for knowledge is appreciated and encouraged. The collection in our library will enhance the student’s classroom learning experience and make him a better hospitality professional.
Training & Placement Cell
The college has a dedicated training and placement cell that interacts with the students and hospitality organisations. The cell facilitates placement of the students for training as well as for jobs. The cell trains the students to face interviews, group discussions and helps in personality development.
The Training & Placement department of the college helps the students to prepare for success in their
These include-
Career counseling- Helps to formulate or clarify career goals, identify skills, strengths, interest & develop an individualized career plan.
Job skills preparation – Helps to prepare for the job search by providing resume critiques, interview preparation & covering letter.
Employment Listings – Job requirements in the form of bulletins are posted on the Notice board on a regular basis. Overseas opportunities are also informed in the same manner.
Campus interviews- On & off campus interviews are a regular feature VIHS. More than 80% students are employed by this method.
Career seminar & workshop- Such activities prepare the students for their career.
Industrial Training – The College provides industrial training to all students in the vacations to have a clear & concise view about the industry & it’s working. Training are made available in the best Hotels across the country.
Apart from this the Class Co- ordinators & Student advisors help with matters regarding area specialization, extracurricular activities & trade related presentations.
Recreation Room
Facilities are available for various sports like Table Tennis, Carom, Chess etc. These facilities ensure that our future mangers are healthy and physically fit. College also provides facilities for outdoor games such as Cricket, Football, Badminton etc.
The classrooms are spacious, well ventilated and specially designed to facilitate participate learning. They are equipped with all the necessary presentation facilities like Collar Mike System, LCD projector, Over head projector, White and black boards.
Separate hostel with conveyance facility is provided for boys and girls. Staying in the hostel helps develop group dynamics amongst the students and broadens their socio- cultural horizons.
Transportation is provided to the hostel inmates to and from the college.
College Elections
Fresher’s Day-‘Novus Putesco’
Investiture Ceremony-‘Sermente’
Food festivals and theme parties
Hospitality exhibition
Hospitality workshops
Teachers Day-‘Maestro’
Inter house Trade & Cultural Competitions
Sports Day
Guest Lectures
Club activities namely Reception club, Wine club, Escoffier club, Design Studio etc.
Debate sessions, Group Discussions & Mock Interview sessions
Hostel Day celebrations
Valedictory Function
Farewell Day-‘Adios’
Annual day, Founder’s day & Graduation Day