College Events

Valedictory ceremony of 'Impressions 2019'

Valedictory ceremony of 'Impressions 2019' was held on March 23rd 2019. Dr. A. Srinivas Rao, Vice President - A.Shama Rao Foundation and Pro- Chancellor of Srinivas University and Prof. Er. Smt. Mitra S. Rao, Trustee Member, Board of Governors of Srinivas University were the chief guest of the function. Prof. Dr. Manoj Varma welcomed the gathering and Student Council President Tom Thampi rendered the vote of thanks.

Impressions 2019 was inaugurated by the Dean Prof. Dr. Manoj Varma on 11th of March 2019 by unveiling the banners of all the participating teams.

March 23, 2019 Posted By Srinivasgroup

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