Pharmacy industry is indeed a significant business sector, providing essential healthcare services, medications and products to millions of people worldwide remarked, Dr. Saleemulla Khan, Member, Pharmacy council of India, New Delhi, Principal, PA College of Pharmacy, Mangalore addressed the newly formed student council 2024 as chief guest on 7th February 2024 while inaugurating the students council 2023-24. Later he also mentioned about the leadership of Dr. CA A Raghavendra Rao which helped to shape the destiny of Srinivas group of institutions. Dr. Saleemulla Khan felicitated by Dr. CA A. Raghavendra Rao, Honourable Chancellor, Srinivas University and President A.Shama Rao foundation, Mangalore for being nominated as member, central council, Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi by Govt. of Karnataka.Dr. CA A Raghavendra Rao, honourable chancellor, Srinivas University and President A.Shama Rao foundation, Mangalore in his presidential remarks appreciated the outgoing student council members for organising professional activities and wished the incoming student council team all success. Students council President, Mr. Subrahmanya Pradeep P administered the oath to his council members (2023-24) team during the ceremony. Past student council president, Ms. Josna Lewis presented academic report of 2022-23.Students Council advisors Dr. EVS Subrahmanyam, Dr. Padmavathi P Prabhu were present during the function.Ms. Christy Chacko and Ms Anvitha faculty members of Srinivas college of Pharmacy anchored the programme. Students Council advisor Dr. EVS Subrahmanyam, proposed vote of thanks
February 07, 2024 Posted By SrinivasgroupPost your comments
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