College Events

Oral awareness program

An awareness program was organized for School children on 31.05.2024. Nearly 250 school children between 6th and 8th standard participated in the program. The ill effects of tobacco on health, economic problems, and environmental hazards were explained through talk and cartoon videos so that they are appealing to children. A skit was enacted by IV and III BDS students explaining, the causes leading to tobacco dependence, its health effects, economic burden, and laws associated with buying and selling to minors. Following this, a quiz was conducted on tobacco for the school children. The winners were distributed with prizes. Then, Health education materials, that is, pamphlets were distributed to children, school teachers and public people. A chart of healthy choices and tobacco use ill effects were given to school children, and asked to tick right or wrong against the choices.

May 31, 2024 Posted By srinivasgroup

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